All Civil & Criminal Matters - Comprehensively
Expert All Relationship, Infidelity, & Child Matters
Expert Moving Surveillance in all Cases
Expert Full Background & Pre-Employment Checks
Expert Locating All People, Hidden Assets & Accounts
Find Witnesses & Obtain Statements for All Matters
Locate & Protect Runaway and/or Abused Children
Prove Abusive Relationships & Stalking 
Expert Crimes or Wrongs Done VIA Computers
Legally Recorded Conversations to obtain Evidence
Wire/Bug/Transmitter Sweeps (Locate all Devices)
- Truly Prove Exactly What was Mailed to Someone
- GPS Tracking Devices (track vehicle over Internet)
Expert Investigative Trial Preparation/Case Assistance
Expert Homicide/Wrongful Death Investigations
Expert Police or Governmental Abuse Investigations
Wrongful Account and/or Service Billings Fraud
Exec. Bodyguard Services & Property Protection
Professional Research Assistance (any issue) 
Forensic/Scientific Evidence/Experimentations                - Psychological Profiling (All Cases - Civil & Criminal)
- Environmental Waste Dumping Investigations
SEC (Securities/Investments) Investigations 
- FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) Investigations
Electronic and Non-electronic Custom Safe Installations
Expert Arson Investigations
Expert White Collar Crimes, Business      
  Frauds, Scams, Deceit, Manipulations
Expert Undercover/Covert Operatives
Expert Interviewing & Interrogations
- Bribery, Threats, Coercions, Blackmails
Expert Physical Injury Investigations
Locate/Investigate Lost or Stolen Property
Expert Civil Rights/liberties Investigations
Expert Counter-Intelligence Investigations
Expert Malpractice Investigations
Expert All Torts, Libels, & Slanders 
Expert Business Intelligence Acquiring 
- Investigative Document Examination
Expert Criminal Defense Investigations
Re-enactment/Reconstruction of Events
- Private & Confidential Message Delivery
Security Consulting: Home & Commercial
Governmental Contract Investigations 
- Assistance with Problematic Children
- Modern Lie Detector Testing 
Recovery of Uncollected Court Judgments
- Personal Witness of Important Matters
- Forgery & Counterfeit Investigations 
Contract-Law Investigative Assistance
Installation of Hidden Cameras or Standard
Certified Auto Collision Investigation
Providing over 25 years experience in:
oxygen of the 
 through the walls 
modern age. It seeps 
topped by barbed wire.
 It wafts across the 
electrified borders."
Ronald Reagan
 "Information is the
  • 100% Confidential

  • 25+ Years Experience

  • Legally Verifying Cell Phone Calls & Text Messaging.